GI City Council to Meet Tuesday

City Of Grand Island

Here's the Agenda for the Grand Island City Council Meeting, Council Chambers, 100 E First Street, February 13, 2024 7:00 PM


 This is an open meeting of the Grand Island City Council. The City of Grand Island abides by the Open Meetings Act in conducting business. A copy of the Open Meetings Act is displayed in the back of this room as required by state law. The City Council may vote to go into Closed Session on any agenda item as allowed by state law.



Individuals who have appropriate items for City Council consideration should complete the Request for Future Agenda Items form located at the Information Booth. If the issue can be handled administratively without Council action, notification will be provided. If the item is scheduled for a meeting or study session, notification of the date will be given.

 A sign-up sheet was available in the lobby for individuals wishing to provide input on any of tonight's agenda items. If you did not sign up to speak on an agenda item, please come forward, state your name and the agenda topic on which you will be speaking on.
a. ICMA Economic Mobility Grant - Final Report
b. Welcoming Cities/Heartland United Way Presentation 
c. Discussion on Transferring Veterans Cemetery to Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs

a. Approving Minutes of the January 23, 2024 City Council Regular Meeting
b. Approving Payment of Claims for the Period of January 24, 2023 through February 13, 2024 for a total amount of $8,221,344.42.
c. #2024-30 - Approving Purchase of Police Patrol In Car Cameras 
d. #2024-31 - Approving Purchase of Ten (10) APX 8000 Radios from Motorola Solution for Police Department  
e. #2024-32 - Approving Environmental Monitoring Services for the Grand Island Regional Landfill
f. #2024-33 - Approving Amendment No. 2 to the Public Transit Vehicle Provider
g. #2024-34 - Approving State Bid Award for One (1) 2024 Ford F250 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup for the Solid Waste Division of the Public Works Department  
h. #2024-35 - Approving Bid Award for Sanitary Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation; Project No. 2023-S-10  
i. #2024-36 - Approving Bid Award for Asphalt Hot-Mix 2024
j. #2024-37 - Approving Authorization for Emergency Sanitary Sewer Repair at 3444 W Stolley Park Road 
k. #2024-38 - Approving Temporary Lease for Dedicated Parking Stalls in the Public Parking Lot at South Locust Street and West South Front Street (Sand Creek Construction)
l. #2024-39 - Approving Bid Award for Exterior Metal Siding Replacement for the Street Division 
m. #2024-40 - Approving Change Order #1 for Platte Generating Station Turbine Overhaul 2023 Field Machining
n. #2024-41 - Approving Change Order #1 for Platte Generating Station Turbine Overhaul 2023 
o. #2024-42 - Approving Change Order #1 for Platte Generating Station Turbine Overhaul 2023 Inner Shell Inspection 
p. #2024-43 - Approving Change Order #1 for Inflation Reduction Act - Generation Evaluation and Advisory 
q. #2024-44 - Approving Purchase of a 2024 Chipper Truck with Dump Box for Electric Overhead Department
r. #2024-45 - Approving Distribution Transformers Price Increase

a. Public Hearing on Request from JAL TBONE, LLC dba Texas T-Bone, 1600 South Locust Street for a Class "I” Liquor License
#2024-46 - Approving Request from JAL TBONE, LLC dba Texas T-Bone, 1600 South Locust Street for a Class "I” Liquor License and Liquor Manager designation for Jesus Lopez-Ramirez, 822 Sun Valley Place, Grand Island, Nebraska.
b. Public Hearing on Acquisition of Drainage Easement in Crane Valley Tenth Subdivision- Concord Avenue & Claude Road (Concord Investments, LLC fka Concord Development, LLC; Parcel No. 400150198)
#2024-47 - Approving Request of Acquisition of Drainage Easement in Crane Valley Tenth Subdivision- Concord Avenue & Claude Road (Concord Investments, LLC fka Concord Development, LLC; Parcel No. 400150198)
c .Public Hearing to Consider of Approval of Blighted and Substandard Area #40 located west of U.S. Highway 281 and north and south of Old Potash Highway (Anderson KIA)
#2024-48- Approving Blighted and Substandard Area #40 located west of U.S. Highway 281 and north and south of Old Potash Highway (Anderson KIA)
d. Public Hearing to Consider a Request to Approve a Portion of CRA Area #38 located south of Faidley Avenue and west of Webb Road as Extremely Blighted (Perkins Properties)  
#2024-49 - Approving Request to Approve a Portion of CRA Area #38 located south of Faidley Avenue and west of Webb Road as Extremely Blighted (Perkins Properties)

a. Discussion on Recommended Changes to Chapter 5 of City Code Relative to Definitions and Nuisance Ownership

a. #2024-50 - Approving Changes to the Waiver Fine Schedule

a. #9963 - Approving a request to Vacate Buffett Subdivision located east of U.S. Highway 281 and north of Abbott Road